Services - Wiser™ Smart Home

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Wiser™ Smart Home

Make your home smarter

Control almost anything in your home with a remote app - even boil the kettle.

The Process
  • Install your connected devices
  • Download the Wiser™ Home app and setup your account
  • Pair your devices
  • Use the app to control devices remotely
  • Set automated schedules
  • Can be integrated with your voice assistants
  • See how much energy you are using in real-time
  • Get advanced energy insights (Wiser Energy™ home monitor)
Wiser™ Hub

The Wiser™ Hub allows automation of your home environment. It connects Wiser™ devices and enables communication between the devices via the app.

It enables voice control and control over your home from a remote location.

Key Benefits
Itemise and control the energy use of your home.
Set lighting and air conditioning to suit your preferences.
Swap out components without replacing an entire system.